Tuesday, 31 May 2022



this contentment 

is like the edge of longing for yesterday

when what was to be was rounding the corner

the knowing that whatever came would be good 

and the sun would forestall every tear 

sunshine upon the bees of summer 

busy in the making of honey days and high teas 

and tennis on the lawns of long evenings

of such contentment as will last a lifetime of winters

the pollen a mist under a high sun

and summer only just begun

i have something in my eye

 i have something in my eye 

i have something in my eye

floods of tears wash the tides of see

was ever a grain of truth so painful

lies the perfect balm

lies do no harm

close your ayes

say nothing to upset 

the equilibrium of tears 

or they will flow again

and the galaxy is blurry enough

close the lid

don’t you dare think that

 don’t you dare think that

annealed from the furnace 

to the anvil’s hammer

the words were bent

they never meant

to place the pennies on dead eyes

but is was a closure

they said

is what they always say

when they read the last will and testament 

they learn what was really meant

what is left unread

in bequeathing

one’s last breath becomes rancid

every one backs off


what didn’t rhyme dances

sits where the table is labelled

with a name tag once removed 

what is this light that plays over everything 

the stained glass that speaks

he wasn’t 

then he was

now he’s gone 

don’t you think

don’t you dare think


Monday, 30 May 2022

man oh man

man oh man

the grip of mammon imprisoned me

death released me

all the unreachable gods

are gone away 

quite unrequited 

some words stay forever

in the grip of mammon

some are sent 

from the other side of reason

does a prison look worse

from the inside or outside

for i have lost the key

to the stories of stone 

Sunday, 29 May 2022

the queen

 the queen

through all of the mottled times

the inviolability of your nobility

royal from balmoral to the windsor 

of britain’s multicultural soup 

   ‘gentlemen the queen’

has rung down the ages

through all the wars and the strife

she was also a wife 

through the pages of her family album 

torn a little in sepia perhaps

slipping a little our image of those images

scion an anachronism 

at the end of the knighting sword

and yet good lord 

we have the elegance of her regency 

the white gloves asking of power

can you form a government 

on behalf of my people

i give you permission

to kiss hands 

the moist eyes of the people

look at the union jack bunting fluttering

and how we cheer her to the rafters

for all our family ever afters

she has always been there

uniquely ours

ladies and gentlemen i give you 

her majesty the queen 

let the children feast

for beth ~ hope you are bether soon

 for beth ~ hope you are bether soon

rest up

get well soon

how easily it is said

however sincere 

it doesn’t help much

i lost my voice in the sea a while ago

felt very miserable

i found it later on the shoreline

it had been on an adventure

now it is back we’re on speaking terms

it hurts ~ then you laugh again

Saturday, 28 May 2022

blister popper’s thumb

 blister popper’s thumb 

blister popper’s thumb

he’s got blister popper’s thumb

the tablet packs

are as hard as jacks 

he’s got blister popper’s thumb

Friday, 27 May 2022

between 9:26 & 10:26

 between 9:26 & 10:26 

between 9:26 & 10:26 the painting is arriving

the courier sent a text so there it is


the timelessness of art arriving on time

an abstract view of the sea

we’ll soon see it hanging

i do hope we like it

i am sure we will in time

if it arrives on time

did the artist paint it in time

or out of a timeless imagination 

so many questions to ask

the delivery driver who

will not see it unpacked

there’s no time you see

he’s in a rush to deliver on time

for this blank wall time is up

hey up the door bell

Thursday, 26 May 2022

the estuary at low water

 the estuary at low water


the secrets are drying in snake 

worms are going deeper and deeper 

the crusty bits are dead 

not even the long sky laments the turning

tides never stopping for a moment

their peregrinations pose

more questions than answers

it is a slippery time

for footsteps

closing in



the cat explodes

outside the door

the visitor backs away 

the howling growling subsides

my pulse rate returns to normal

ohh pussy cat 

i do wish you wouldn’t do that


have some food

the cat explodes

outside the door

the visitor backs away 

the howling growling subsides

my pulse rate returns to normal

ohh pussy cat 

i wish you wouldn’t do that


have some food

after breakfast

 after breakfast

to my right

gentle string music by haydn 

on my left

the cat is sleeping on a sigh

out front

a breeze is rearranging the garden

my mind hanging

mid-space in this breakfast room

on the last sip of earl grey

a flower

  a shrub

    a bush

       a small tree

         a big tree

           the wooded 


the stone pagoda says nothing

just seems content to wait

upon my arrival

the scene gathers around me

and i flip the book around and say look

what do you think of these words


Wednesday, 25 May 2022

squidgy or sharp ?????

 squidgy or sharp ????? 

step on a poem 

is it squidgy or sharp 

did you see it before you stepped in it

or was it covered up in leaves

here is a stanza stick to

scape out those words

fling the bling 

or treasure the leather of a brogue in shine

for it was mine

i left it there

please put it in a plastic bag

along with the end of the world

frozen shit will cut your anus

squidgy or sharp ?????

own up !!!!!

how do you like it

where does the rainbow sleep

 where does the rainbow sleep

in the second mirror

i see the first mirror

reflecting the trees

in the first mirror

i see the second mirror 

reflecting the trees

the rain has stopped

both mirrors agree

with the trees

all their tears have dropped

the grass is steaming

the rainbow asks the reflection 

what is refraction

and when does it sleep

it seemed tired and lost 

but it was all an illusion



the length of silence is deceiving

its depth unfathomable 

a deaf wind outside a rumour

trees dripping into a pool

the mere breath of a breeze

unwinds the telomere of time

to raise one’s eyes

up and down on repeating breaths

again silence is not a thought

but an absence

the present time is as illusive 

as silence is a sentence

of just one word


Tuesday, 24 May 2022

how soon is too soon

 how soon is too soon

the war graves

they move me to think

that i know of no one who died in a war

not personally in a way that weeps

death to me is dead

at a loss for words

for no pain pushes pen

to inscribe 

born in peace

died in action

there are so many that we forget

we lose count

no need to start again

soon the waiting will be over

Sunday, 22 May 2022

a misty dawn on the fens

 a misty dawn on the fens

hushed and once a golden breath is held

across the fen fields of a mist’s daybreak 

and see that path there it’s the one i’ll take

for there is no one where the corners meld 

save the moving of the mist bare perceived 

the slow slowly straightening of the reed

as the dampness runs from the rising sun

the adventure of a day has thus begun 

Friday, 20 May 2022

game on

 game on

i said oxytocin

the child’s eyes widened

the child took my hand

and the war began 

Thursday, 19 May 2022

the royals

 the royals

in the uniform of a unicorn 

they have crossed the rubicon

feast your eyes on this ribaldry 

when all i see is the food bank’s rivalry 

it’s over for you you anachronistic monarchy

your everlasting plutocracy 

has lost the populace’s embrace

and i’ll say this to your face

for god’s go 

it is time to go

Wednesday, 18 May 2022

the door to the cellar is open

 the door to the cellar is open

there is no dark deed 

given a circumstance 

that i would not do

that realisation seared me

slit my smile bloodwards 

yet it left the blandishments 

as an incense upon the air

oh no not me

they easily say 

oh no

not i 

not me 

oh no

calm down i say

if you say no then i believe you

at this point in time


not everyone can self-analyse

the dark corners where no candle stays

to flicker give an even chance



the profound black is metaphysical 

a hand that reaches will clasp a dagger

a hand reaching will clasp a throat

a bomb blast lights up

an unmarked grave


profound black is a taste

a bilious retching 

a hand upon the zip

of the brain stem’s basal ganglia

so you would never

would you not

well take away every social handrail 

deluge your minutes in tortuous assault

open every nerve ending

close every conscious thought

drink the autonomic emotions

that escape upon the wings of war

after one thousand cuts

you will stop at nothing

to stop everything 


you say you still would not succumb 

well i would

look out behind you

for i have looked behind me 

inside of me

and there was no one there

to stop me

there is no light switch in the coal cellar

the enamel has splintered far and wide

reducing me smaller than the deadliest spider

for now i know that if i was there

i would

anthracite is hard to hand

but its flames are very hot

throw me another look

as i stand stock still

throw me another of your looks

for if looks could kill

yours surely will