Monday, 10 March 2025

fingering a moment’s moment

fingering a moment’s moment

 steam clears and spells dream

the same dream’s breath

that mists the window where 

a finger writes yes

followed by an emoji

as real tears blink 

taking it all in 

two eyes a nose a smile follow 

but the moment has gone to work 

for there is work to do on this 

and it could take all day

and we only have this moment

that statue you

 that statue you 

that statue of me

that will never be

what pose what prose

would it be

that said 

‘he did this’ 

or that of me for

he believed his plinth was finished

but time had over-stepped the mark

the scattered pigeons returned to base

it appears that shit happens prosaically 

Schrödinger's question

 Schrödinger's question

Schrödinger's dog

is dreaming about 

Schrödinger's cat

is dreaming about

Schrödinger's dog

would you have to wake both

to ascertain who fell asleep first 

you or the question

that is one cat and dog of a tail

Sunday, 9 March 2025

the kiss

 the kiss

as they kiss

long under the racing moon

the world could go to hell

for it had gone to hell

all the far away moons had clouded over

a shiver came on a wind

from somewhere far away

a light came on and went out

came on and went out

as their kiss went on for ever

breakfasting on march

 breakfasting on march 

you can count on daffodils 

all the fingers of a spring’s day

nodding through the passings

the illuminating of a sunbeam

by a mirage of midges 

up down and the certainty of 

the vermillion of the hellebores 

under the skirts of a hedge

the knowing of a real morning 

the ptosis of an early feast with 

a year still wet behind the ears 

dew i do love you when you return like this 

with your promises of another kiss

under the apple with me

Saturday, 8 March 2025

oh my word

 oh my word

words can gang up on a word

until that word tops a mountain 

other words are swept away

in the flood of its reign

supreme is the word that other words stream around 

the wind that turns the page

whispers that word over and over

the thesaurus weeps blood 

it is heart-stopping 

Friday, 7 March 2025



stop grizzling

or so help me

you’ll feel the back of my hand

a scar from the past

on skin’s bark laid bare

dragging winsomely 

this one does share

all the ages of my time