Saturday, 30 November 2024

full moon at the pharmacy

 full moon at the pharmacy

the lunacy of polypharmacy

how many pills to climb out 

of this atmosphere of fear

to stop reading orbit as

obituary in the dead of night’s 

moon-struck standstill

here you take one more

step assured that white is right

on the night of a full-throated




some given

some taken


what do they own

what is left of

memory now

split between 

then and now

a long thread is stretched 

twang cries



never write a poem

that knows where it’s going

if i do not

then how can you know

the destination my destiny

when i do not

the muse is a fuse 

the poem an explosion 

a few more megatons

here and there

so what

poetry is a chain reaction 

come closer my readers

but mentor me not

poet me back

Friday, 29 November 2024

home and banking on it

 home and banking on it

now we is at home

and we hits the button

after checking the 

‘are you sure’ 


we has a coffee

and looks at our reflection 

the screen has no cue

as to when

our trust started


we is staying in to check 

that our balance is nice


7am and november is nearly over

 7am and november is nearly over

on a grey morning quivering 

in a yellow leaf wind

a hint of the sun’s absence

drops a robin 


back gone

like a candle flickering 

the day counts the trees

Thursday, 28 November 2024

not the ghost of an answer

 not the ghost of an answer 

can ghosts swim

can ghosts fly

what wall will hold

the waters of their whim

or the pillars of their sky

what sun through their cold

will suspend any time of why

that belief may never ever dim

or arms a youth enfold 

on viewing a sculpture

 on viewing a sculpture 

what angle to view an arc

that will move the ground

that will renew the sky’s arc

tangential is hardly the word

to touch your thoughts

upon the curvature of time

well spent in contemplating 

what drove her hands thus

to sculpt the unknown in you 

Wednesday, 27 November 2024

That’s it

 That’s it!

I too love the way torrential rain

smooths a rough sea, brassy I call it 

when a cloud sun tries its best. 

Then the bleached shells,

an altar of past times of the many 

out there still filtering my thoughts. 


I guess i am

RS Thomas

 RS Thomas

taking the words and burnishing them

returning them as carefully as stones

banging hymn books together 

praising the dust

the golden spines of thought 

we follow in the lee of

his duffle-coated eye

where is the wind coming from 

has it shape-shifted the scene 

stand still

he is turning around to look at you

piercingly past you 

where has your eye been all these years 

your prodigal ear


Tuesday, 26 November 2024

it’s looking dark out

 it’s looking dark out

in the blackening widows

is that me looking in

the lights are reflecting

how far away is the moon

then the rain

ruining the view

of the blackness

but there is light

in the spheres

in the rivulet’s disorder

outside a candle is burning

in a tall glass case

winter flickers in

and out

it is looking darker

tanya wrote of her near death experience

 tanya wrote of her near death experience 

a gift? 

how many words dropped away

how many palindromes 

had run back and forth 

in a mind’s frown

how many words had been extracted 

like rotten teething 

before the only word left was

gift ~ NDE was a gift!

riding its ungrateful horse riddance 

into the mouth a sunset’s dawn

unwrapped by you 

as your gift to us


NDE was a gift?

Monday, 25 November 2024

late november

 late november 

a petal staid on wet slate


sun searing the surf


against a black sky

blown vivid

rainbows everywhere 

so many late leaves


in the wind’s light like

caught earrings 

reflected across a wall

wet seats and bejewelled tables

at half empty cafes

wry smiles in dryrobes 


a fast cooling sea

it’s a climb down 

running from a shower

rattling the remaining

leaves not long now

and we can call it 

the winter of 

one of life’s


sunny smiles

               sunny smiles

           sunrise between

       the mist on the lake


        the mountain snow

           a custard slice 

             how nice

 to write such silly words

and make it fun to watch

the day unfold its toils

          with a smile 

that only you know why 

       the sky is yours
