Tuesday 9 February 2021




listening to the old songs 

moving when we were 

moving so slowly just to stand still

moving as slow as glass pours years

eyes shut as tight as breath allows

the third eye crying how could we

something  something  something

forgotten now what it was

other than the ache we had for it

it  it  it

drips as a net at a damp window

nets the cold night’s ineptitude 

looking for that chink of light

through those curtained days

around and around looking

for something we would not recognise 

if we ever found it 

and yet the music incanted that it

did exist somewhere this something

the others dancing knew

didn’t they 

and why if they did

didn’t they say

didn’t they tell me 

no matter how the music spoke

the language was foreign even

as the beat beat it into me




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