Tuesday 19 October 2021

a sigh emerges

 a sigh emerges

damn these clever words

i am burning them one by one

but there are so many

they clog the oil in the cogs

that turn my thoughts into lines

making ink from their ashes helps

to slurry the days

but it would be so nice lay

the linen words down with no

floral words pulling at the lattice


there is another one

not very ostentatious 

but it catches on my split nails

that need the emery words

how does one weave the fine words

the virgin spider’s thread in the moonlight

how does one tie the stars down 

with a net so feebly construed 


when i have burned all the clever words

buried all the long words

all the overused words

the trite 

i might


not those ever so clever rhymes either

but for the moment

the knots on the rosary of language

i have to squeeze as small as i may

and spin the web around me so fast 

that only the light words may escape

and although you may only see

the blob of this poem


if you will


between the coarse threads

at one tear squeezed through a gap

that before it mixes with the ashed words

catches that star

inverts the moon

write that

from the tomb of the archeologist

one long exhalation

from the buried treasure

of all the golden words

a sigh emerges

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