Friday 8 March 2019

And so it was

And so it was
I keep taking my hand, every time the light falls
and the tiredness lemon tears, we walk slowly
down the sunlight of our childhood ways that never
ceases to blaze. Amazed that time should creep
up behind us in the dusk and spin us around
with arms flailing under the blue sky of boy oh boy
did we show them! Eh? Eh? Oh boy, sit here panting
with me on the grassy poolside and watch the
yellow float bob to the reed fishes’ touch. 
Away with you now! The huff fluff of the reed mace is
burrowing into your curls. Come, it’s time to sleep. 
Haven’t you a bed to go to? Isn’t that what the moon says?
Up and running, beam sticks rattling the cloud’s silver lining
in the pockets of the night, threadbare with stars.
Come, curl up alongside me and let us hum the old songs,
down past the doorsteps of all the girls we kissed.

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