Sunday 13 June 2021

away with your valediction

 away with your valediction 

for the one who has left

for although death’s door is closed 

to any more today they will insist

to valedict about her now just gone

but let the thought be

  would she pretend to take

the sad goodbyes that she

did oft proclaim herself

and chilled at the thought 

of receiving back ten fold

the solemnity heaped upon

their going shoulders that

bore life no better when alive

yet preferred to solemnise 

on others 

baring the hard thought that

one day slipped of the lanyard life

she would sail away ablaze with 

probity pressing the pyre ship

deep into the closeting sunset

as the penitents turn away for 

theirs like yours will for another day

decide to say or not to say goodbye 

for although we all die

perhaps tomorrow my pocket will

be more ready to accept your coin

until then i ask over and over 

am i gone 

or do linger on

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