Tuesday 21 May 2024

no training required

 no training required

to what mind bound to the railway track

does the poetry engine speed down upon

which siding has the signal chosen pre-

decided who needs to be borne down upon

and what ropes bind the minded there

and were they self-tied there all forlorn 

who has been given the undeniable right 

who has been born to this give and take

and devil take the hindmost so says the few

yet no yet no shouts the corner round

they throng to lay their pennies down

and flattened as big as pancakes now

they shine like they have never shone

so feed the worded coal into the furnace fire

and drive the engine ever on

for they will not retire

the word is out

the smuts aglow

literally all aboard the literary train

it’s time to grind the risen grain

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