Wednesday, 5 February 2025

politics live is killing me

 politics live is killing me

in these nights of different fallings

we need different words

if there are no appropriate 

then we need to make them up

scalpel words that will cut out their black hearts 

words to change screams into smiles

hard death into the soft death

everyone into everyone 

me into you into me

us is that word

at an exhibition

poetry at an exhibition of paintings

paintings at an exhibition of poetry

the words 


in the paintings


in the words



in their becoming

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

dawn is glowing at the forecast of rain

 dawn is glowing at the forecast of rain 

dawn is glowing at the forecast of rain

a rare pearl brought up from a deep night

catching the light of the sun on ten thousand mornings

such as this set here before this one poet who

like the many poets who have written for none 

had been there before they also wrote 

dawn is glowing at the forecast of rain

anon anon

great capture

 great capture 

a photographer

having ‘captured’ one image

searches for another

the bird

in the cage

has a locked door

the viewers

on their high perches

shit on the glossy magazines

feed them millet

and they shit more and more

i have a picture of it

it’s a great capture

who poet who

 who poet who

if i don’t know where the poem is going

then who is writing it

how do i know when it is finished

and yet 

after it is finished 

i seem to know both

the breath comes from somewhere

behind the eyes 

a reservoir with an overspill 

a light flickering

on and off on and off

and so it goes on and on

Monday, 3 February 2025

your poem

 your poem 

like rich scenes

whizzing past the train window

the destination screen changing like the wind

that makes and then blows away my tears

the end of your poem but a beginning 

again you have said it again

i am running behind you 

calling out wait wait

but no





to write

they have their big swords

i have only these small words

blood is not indelible

hang enough words on the barbed wire and it will fail

the surgeon said ‘where there is pus let it out’


it’s dead

it’s dead

 it’s dead

they have dissected it

it’s dead

the bloody poem is dead 

Sunday, 2 February 2025

forever was the day before

 forever was the day before

the day before he died

i met him in M&S

one day at a time’   he mon o toned 

i said something vacuous

cannot remember what

it was by the fruit section 

i remember that much

to everything its season

that sort of vacuous

oh Lyn bach

i do miss your recollections 

the past you populated with characters

as rich as the breeze in your gower trees 

long bent on the houses you had built 

the lives you had led 

the reminiscences of a smile

your ‘say that again’

no longer in your quizzical chair 

by the grandfather clock

it’s tock

  slow tock

is tocking still

empty in the agony of my turning