Friday 18 December 2020

the clichés of hours

 the clichés of hours

take out the snow

the dawns and the sunsets

the moon and the stars

and reflections of mountains

and there you are 

take the lonely out of loneliness

the mountainous seas

storms in the rain

or warm sunny days 

explaining the meaning 

of life in the telling of death

put aside love and the broken hearts

‘deaths and entrances’

the bird songs and the flowers

the clichés of ours

i am, i do, i think, the ayes, 

the very clever emetic of words

the short lines the long lines

the ones in between 

all the dross on a ladle of molten gold

the mettle of emotion for ever enthral

chop the autumns and the golden leaves

the summers and the winters

the spring that believes

the pudding the syrup the cloying of words

shapely text and the cleverest spacing of lines

the short lines the long lines the prose aching shape

the halcyon metaphors similarly the simile

alliterating the sublime

and believe you me (or not)

what’s left is / might be

the beating heart of poetry

or have i lost the plot

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