Friday 15 January 2021

and then there are the windows


and then there are the windows

the ones with steamy tears

freezing into art

or the bottle-bottom ones

squirming at the thought

of the leaves trying to get in

or out depending on the thought

nailed in screeching down the panesss

the rolling races to the bottom

besmirch spoiled by the finger

pointing out the lights on the horizon

or the black ones reflecting

if outside is inside or vice versa

is in the eyes

the stark trees of winter 

corkscrewed by the rain

or the deciduous of summer

dancing green

the cracked ones loved

or neglected  lost to thoughts

of who they were  the dwellers

and can we see in on them 

even now

after the spiders have laced the shroud

the picture windows

the matrix panes with just one

or two shot out by time’s arrow

defenestrated - isn’t that what they say

of the rusty

the boundary condition

the stopping of flattened palms

leaving minds to wander alone

over the edges that draw blood

in the dust of a stopped thought

close them now


i need to sleep

and there is this draught 

draw the curtains

lock the windows of inside out

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