Wednesday 13 January 2021


it’s like one of them horror films

where the walls with spikes move in

unstoppable in their promiscuity 

a pandemic of global issues

incurable in their extinctions

no hope at all of steering through 

before the walls impale

the pallor of youth never to brogue

in the veined cheeks of age

or ring grey the eyes of looking

that sinking feeling on the marsh

with overpopulation floating upon the threat

of mass the extinction of any hope 

orphaned unnurtured terminal

the velocity of our demise 

repeated over and over 

it is true   but

the end 

seems so final - does it not

finally we see how blind we were

blind to the abyss

over the annihilation of hope

and that is the very end of it

unfortunately the anodyne word

for there will be no one left to hear

i am really sorry 

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