Saturday 18 December 2021

early one morning i closed my eyes

 early one morning i closed my eyes

my mind is blank

infinitely blank

except for that door 

infinity small

and moving

here one minute and gone the next

virtual in its being

except for the tapping

the pressing

when the eye flap opens

a lance of light

attests the sugar

and then the wren thoughts

in the corkscrew

there one minute and gone the next


in the hedgerows of my mind

beneath the shroud

stoned and ghosted

hand on brow falling

forward sitting back 

my breaths a picket fence

deciding how far one should dare

cross the snowfields 

the thin ice of the wearing


the hushed voices hushing the voices

on the other side of listening

another mind in the wings


the prompt waiting

on the stage a new backdrop 

the audience hang

upon a soliloquy 

that has its hand upon the door

but It is in the non-looking that we find

that the door is locked 

is in fact not a door

but a blankness 

oxymoronic in its depth

deaf to knocking

open to a turning away

here one minute and gone the next

the hand 

on falling upon it

will never grasp it

will never grasp that the blankness


as a matter of fact



as a matter of fact

not a fact at all

not at all


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