Thursday 2 December 2021

low light carols and yolk

 low light carols and yolk

the time travel of carols 

so warm on the cold nights of the snow nights 

in the lights on trees in the windows along all 

the roads through the village so long underfoot

around the corners of childhood of pals

in believing that believing had always been

the way of the old folk indoors on these nights

of days when tomorrow was the excitement 

of waiting and waiting for never to come or

the frost smiles on windows and comics in bed

nuts by the fireside and sweets in the bowl

asleep in the eyes for never no more 

would time be as gentle as the height of this dream

when childhood was something that thought entertained 

so long and so sanguine and short brought the thought 

that tonight is when Christmas Day is that tomorrow

and tomorrow is always that one step away 

from the doing of the something that will never become

how we intended it to end now isn’t it a shame 

that i forgot what’s his name you know what’s his name

but it was so long ago now so long ago 

now where what was i saying 

where was i again

oh dear oh dear

looks like it’s starting to rain

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