on the scent of a promised flower
of a summer we may yet live to see
in the depth of a meadow’s bower
may you lay down low against me
and embrace the moment foretold
when to foretell was a difficult taste
to bake in an oven stone cold
a virus that was spreading in haste
and in this downing of days
down all of the reasoning of ways
lay no hope at the feet
than a bedraggled shroud sheet
that we will greet hand in hand
at the boundary of the boundary
of a promise promised land
social distanced deemed never to meet
for enough was never said
that they (it’s always they)
would understand the way
that the virus is caught and is spread
far and wide and woe betide
the oxygen of yesterday
will run out today
and force the old songs that we deride
tip all the faith of youth
over the precipice
of a perception
that such an island uncouth
in a bravado of youth
is not an interesting notation
except to the bloody fuddy duddies
that are not a worthy foundation
for tomorrow is a new world
and what was culled was not
anything essential but
at best irreverential
and to beholden as ‘them olden of days’
at the 2020 - 2021 boundary
when the virus was retooled
as a reaper of the unwary fool
the corollary of yesterday
being the repentance of today
the corollary of today being
that which is now lost
never to be found
is a word oft repeated
but rarely understood