deep field
deep field
every colour of a far imagination
beholden at this moment
in the light of a new dawn
the swoon of waves
of light having travelled
from beyond imagination’s time
a picnic on a rug weaved
of the delights prepared
to receive a feast
beyond any menu
this preparation of fine wine
so many suns on the vine of time
decrees the perspective
around our rocky vineyard
what has unfurled today
from the gingham wrapped bundle
in the matrix of light’s horizon
but the glint of imaginary worlds
now shining in the bending
of the branches in the tree of knowledge
this is our picnic in the shade of the past
where once an apple fell
the lensing around the gravity of a thought
shining in the focus of a tear
falling down the cheek of our youth
never question this angst
but kiss the knowledge unfurling
in a relationship growing in time
and given the space that affection fills
it is not an affectation to say
never was so little known
by so many about so much
and now so much further
because we share James Webb’s picnic
at the edge of a golden field