Friday, 31 May 2024

👋 mime me a goodbye 👋


👋 mime me a goodbye 👋

the wind talks mime 

hands me the trees shadow-dance

on the warm cobbles of a late may 

june will mime this summer clime

i remember a past summer’s mime


you said

when you left 

your wave was a mime 

but it wasn’t mine

you had taken the glass wall away

smashed the mirror of my mime

i am dumb ~ yes

i can hear myself saying

mime me love with your white gloves

your white face your cherry lips

the wind is not angry but rather sad 

on my skin as it caresses a sush sush 

sush now close it all down my lad 

the tears of a clown didn’t the song sing

as the sun settled it all

once and for all


the moon has her white gloves on

her moth-dusted hands wave

but alas alas 

two upturned hands says it all

one tear is wiped away


one smudge 

is drawn out

one last wave

is halted

Thursday, 30 May 2024

a tweet to an australian lady called beez

 a tweet to an australian lady called beez

walk me a world away

colour me a day

turn my seasons upside down

and i will walk with your dog 

and hear you say with

such lovely colours in your voice

how you would walk with me if you had the choice 

to welcome summer not the winter days

but our worlds walk in separate ways 

piles of poetry

 piles of poetry

there are no pills for piles

apology for the scatology 

i usually try to avoid

talking about a haemorrhoid 

but thought i would drop these perfunctory

and cut out talking haemorrhoidectomy

slow realisation

slow realisation 

poets leave a snail trail of mica

between one flower and another

one thistle to another

the sun sets their path so that fingers

can trace the tears of joy or of sadness 

all the way back to its beginnings

a petal stops mid way to the ground 

think nothing of it

 think nothing of it

is it am i stupid

to say that nothing does (not) exist only

if there is someone to think that

something to be what nothing isn’t 


Wednesday, 29 May 2024



may be

 the peregrinations of serotonin

or maybe

the shine on brogue leather

under the turn up of a worsted trouser

or maybe

the flight of joy when two poets meet


although they do try


the re-uptake of serotonin

has the final word

a path to the sea

 a path to the sea ~ a poem for Claire 

down the dawn lost paths of a day’s beginning

run the dogs of youth  of youth  of youth 

come on  catch up  you slow coach

the cow parsley is moving the breeze

that is wandering off the sea in its known way

come life run  and run  and run

come on   catch up    for there cannot be

no end to a morning such as this

Tuesday, 28 May 2024

rain on the sea’s running

 rain on the sea’s running 

more like a whale than a whale

grey in its turning barnacled with rain

whose tiny eyes are blinking everywhere

pernickety the decisions of the sea challenge me

mountainous thoughts rise and fall

thar she blows

that floater in the eye of a storm

regards in a lover’s tears 

hairs barbed on a thought

 hairs barbed on a thought

they will not settle will they

the stray hairs from stray affairs

they cry wind and run and

leave lemon tears in lost eyes

try not to comb them

for memories are dander

an allergy of sorts

hold them and shake them in the wind

there are other love to settle

tomorrow brings

Monday, 27 May 2024

what in the heaven of hell !

 what in the heaven of hell !

oh it would be heaven to be in hell

but hell to be in heaven

even if heaven contrived to be a hell

which hell itself would deem to be heaven

help us lord 

when lucifer says so help me god

so help me god

for i am at a loss as who to believe

and who is it that would belie 

that this is heaven or that is hell

the harvest of sin is dearth

so help me gourd

Sunday, 26 May 2024

omega zzz

 omega zzz

the rain pours off this one dream 

that we will never wake from

we sleep in that dream but never reawaken

we dream in that dream and although they seem like dreams

the real dream is this life which is itself a dream

wake up is the cry    wake up!

from what is death’s reply 

it never rains in a dream but pauses

Saturday, 25 May 2024

well alright

 well alright

i know i am right

but what if i am wrong

but what if i am right

oh i don’t know

you do 

don’t you

if you think i am wrong

we can’t both be right

can we

Friday, 24 May 2024

a-minded of the tides of cwm ivy

 a-minded of the tides of cwm ivy 

the horses stand on the salt marsh

an inch either side of the land ~ sea 

there the lightless house is broken

where the cormorants roost their night

waxed in moonlight long down across

the weed that seethes were the sea

sees a loneliness in the vastness

of a vanished star

i roll my sleeves down over my hands

as the leaves fall and the reeds blow

and cotton grass crosses the path 

i have a premonition 

as my eyes close on the view

the breach in the wall is irreparable 

trees are muddied and dead

around which the cattle fence now

encloses a flanders field

i am shell-shocked to silence

evermore comes in with the tide