Friday 24 May 2024

a-minded of the tides of cwm ivy

 a-minded of the tides of cwm ivy 

the horses stand on the salt marsh

an inch either side of the land ~ sea 

there the lightless house is broken

where the cormorants roost their night

waxed in moonlight long down across

the weed that seethes were the sea

sees a loneliness in the vastness

of a vanished star

i roll my sleeves down over my hands

as the leaves fall and the reeds blow

and cotton grass crosses the path 

i have a premonition 

as my eyes close on the view

the breach in the wall is irreparable 

trees are muddied and dead

around which the cattle fence now

encloses a flanders field

i am shell-shocked to silence

evermore comes in with the tide

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