Monday 16 May 2022

extra-pyramidal thought


extra-pyramidal thought

why don’t we build a pyramid

get the whole population involved

a joint enterprise to bury the monarchy

pay the dying wage to everyone 

food provided

a stone signed by everyone

the catacomb plans passed 

by the counsel of consent 

it could (should) take forever

and a day never wasted

in my back yard!

in my back yard!

would be the plea

the more higher the mighty

the more their guarantee of a funeral

through the colonnade of doffed caps

for where else is there to go

these numbered days in the daze 

of the haze of the maze

of the doggerel of the end times 

one after another we can lay the chips off our shoulders 

and stand in awe at our achievement

all points of opinion lost in the walk around the base

of a pyramid that points to the pole star

we would wonder why

why not would be the answer

why not

for we built it ourselves 

from ourselves

for ourselves 

when shall we start

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